
Does a Roofer in CT Have to Be Licensed, Bonded, & Insured?


Hiring roofers in CT can be easy as long as you know what you’re looking for. There are some requirements that are needed for roofers to work as a contractor, but not every state has the same requirements. We’re going to go through what’s required for roofers in CT to work, while also touching on what these requirements are. 

Does A Roofer In CT Need To be Licensed, Bonded, and Insured?

Every state is different when it comes to roofing contractors needing to be licensed, bonded, and insured. For Connecticut roofing contractors actually do not need to be licensed or bonded to work. However, if the contractor does business professionally then they will need to get registered with the Department of Consumer Protection.  Roofing contractors should have their own contractor’s insurance, but it isn’t required. This insurance helps to protect them if any damages or injuries occur during the job. 

Although these aren’t necessarily required it’s always best to have them in order to be as professional as possible and verify your company. Bonds, however, are required with licensing either way, but insurance needs to be purchased separately. This information is provided by our team of roofing contractors in Hartford CT.

What Is The Difference Between Being Insured And Bonded?

Being bonded means having an agreement or obligation and guarantee to your client. This goes along with licensing and is needed with a license. It guarantees your work and the obligation of completing it laid out in the contract. Being bonded does give a lot of credit to the contractor because it is a rigorous process to get it done. 

Being insured means to have protection over your company and yourself in case something happens during a job such as damages or an injury. Insurance should be purchased separately and is paid out throughout the year in order to maintain the insurance. Having insurance also helps to protect the client too because the insurance company pays for any damages or anything that happens during the job which doesn’t let it land on you or your company. 


The bottom line is that roofers in Connecticut don’t need to be licensed, insured, or bonded for that state. However, being licensed, insured, and bonded is recommended for you to be working professionally. If the contractor is working then they will need to be registered with the Department of Consumer Protection though. These certifications will help to give you verification for your company and ensure that clients can trust your professionalism.