Although family photo sessions can be amazing, it is also true that they can be very challenging. Both the family and the photographer can have a hard time during the photo session. To help families get the most out of their photo sessions, here are some of the tips that you can use
Ask your clients to carefully choose their clothing
The first important thing that you can do is ask the family in question to choose their clothes carefully. Clothing to be used in family portraits should be chosen in advance. Not only that, you should make sure that the clothes are very comfortable and attractive. For that to happen, families should know what their dream family portraits look like. If soft and elegant is what you want, it is very important to choose neutral colors and make sure that the fabric is not only soft but also flowing. If you would wish to showcase the spunky and fun side of your family, you should consider coordinating colors. You can also accessorize your looks by adding things such as scarfs, hats, and headbands. For the best wedding photography, contact Leigh Castelli wedding photography
The family should be well rested and fed
Before the family photography session, it is also very important to make sure that the family is well-fed and rested. You should never think of scheduling your family photography session around your child’s bedtime or nap. The best time can be after sunrise or even two hours before sunset. If the time will not be suitable for your children, you should consider talking to your photographer and make necessary adjustments. A good photographer will be able to work or take great photos at any time of the day as long as there is beautiful lighting to support the photography. Also, it is very important to show up for your photo session when you are well fed. An empty stomach will not give you the glow that you have always preferred. If possible, a family should eat a meal or snack before the photo shoot.
Have plenty of time to get ready
You should never wait until it’s the last minute for you to try and get ready. Before a photo shoot, you will find many people from the family rushing around, mostly Moms. They always want to make sure that their family is well dressed before the photoshoot. Whether you are getting your hair and makeup done, you should have plenty of time for all that. That way, you will be at ease when it is time to have that photoshoot. Leave enough time for things such as baths, grooming as well as dressing. If you rush to the Leigh Castelli wedding photography, there is a possibility that things won’t go so well.